Introducing the Konica C14000 digital press, a game-changer for your short run print media requirements.
Installed in the Summer of 2022, with its remarkable ability to fold, score, and bind in-line on a diverse selection of papers, this advanced machine revolutionizes the production process. Experience the transformation as rich-saturated colors burst to life, perfectly registered cross-overs captivate the eye, and the closest match to offset colors delights even the most discerning designers. From start to finish, the Konica C14000 delivers exceptional quality and versatility, elevating your print materials to new heights of excellence.
“Konica Minolta is thrilled to partner with Conolly Printing and Media Group to establish a new level of customer-focused quality and responsiveness in the Western NY graphic communications market. The KM AccurioPress C14000 color digital press supports the demanding needs of Conolly’s Printing current and growing print customer community.” Said Ray Gaffney, Commercial Print Specialist at Konica Minolta. “Konica Minolta consulting and technology services will help Conolly achieve new levels of efficiency, automation, and productivity across their end-to-end technology suite including print request workflow, back-office MIS, and future projects all intended to enhance the customer experience as a world-class provider.”